I love putting together The Tech Tuesday Newsletter. All week, the Tech Team shoots emails back and forth with wild abandon sharing links, tips, and ideas. Some (most) get labeled "TT" in Shorgle Mail so I can go back and find those gems when compliling a story list for the week. As I check out my Twitter stream and Google Reader blog feeds, I save interesting nuggets in Diigo, tagging them "TT" as well. I love using my PLN to find resources to share with you all every week and Tech Tuesday gives me the venue for spewing those in an organized way. I also love all the various web 2.0 and iOS ways I can save information. Here's a few.
Similar to, but more powerful than Delicious, Diigo not only allows you to tag and save bookmarks that you can access from any web browser, but make notations directly on a website that can be shared with other viewers of the website. You can create a distribution list that you can save websites too. Subscribers will receive an email letting them know that a new resource has been saved to the list. Great for departments who read and share a lot. You can install browser buttons/bookmarklets and an app/extension for Chrome to make tagging and sharing a breeze!
I don't use this as much as Jill B. does. No one could! However, I use this organization tool to store all sorts of things that my little brain just can't/won't/doesn't want to remember. An application. A website. An app for your smartphone or tablet...Evernote stores notes, websites, audio recordings, and other digital ephemera that is hard to find a home for. For example, this weekend I stored the make and model number of my kitchen sink and the log of a phone call I had with Kohler. I also stored a recipe and a sweater pattern. In addition, I emailed my Evernote account a few articles from Zite...an amazing app on my iPad (see below).You can make separate notebooks for different types of information and also tag notes to easily find as well. Notebooks can also be made public and/or shared with various people to collaborate. See Jill B. for a full-on emersion.
When Jill B. first came across this app for the iPad, I was like...oh great...another RSS/social media stream aggregator. It was free, so of course I installed it. In about 3 days, it became the MOST USED APP on my iPad. It is my perfect newspaper. Choose sections you are interested in from their list. Customize it by pulling in your Twitter stream and Google Reader feeds or type in a keyword like "education" or "Red Sox". After reading a story, rate it thumbs up or down to get more targeted content! Additionally, you can share an interesting story in several ways: Twitter, Facebook, email, Evernote, and more. This app is always open on my iPad.
That's all for now. I hope you like reading Tech Tuesday. We'd love your feedback how we can make it better!