Monday, January 23, 2012

Get in iOShape Class & App

The Tech Team is really excited about our Get in iOShape class for employees tomorrow night! We've been gathering our favorite tips and tricks to share with attendees to help them get even MORE out of their iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches. We're hoping to learn from them, too! To gather resources and plan our agenda, we are using a shared Google Doc. After the workshop, we'll link to it here so people who couldn't attend can get the resources, too.

Fooducate is FREE!
Speaking of getting in shape...Yesterday, Nancy McNall showed me a cool new app she's installed on her iPhone to learn about healthy foods. It's called "Fooducate" and requires an iOS device with a camera in order to use it. Snap a picture of a food product's barcode and Fooducate immediately pulls up a listing for the food that gives it a grade, lists the ingredients, and delivers interesting facts about the food. If the food you love gets a bad grade, you can click to get healthier alternatives! Take it to the grocery store and zap photos of foods before you buy OR scan your cabinets at home to see how well you currently shop.

Don't eat that "C+" cereal. Trade up to the "A-"!

Thanks for sharing, Nancy. Stay tuned for the Shorgle Doc with our iOS tips and tricks. Do you have one that you'd like to share? Leave a comment!

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